The Phone Call


Thursday January 12…

Puberty has started in BB. She will begin treatment with Lupron to stop testosterone being produced in her body.  I thought the injection fee was $300 each. Turns out, the monthly injection fee for BB’s testosterone blockers is actually $500!!

I’ve been waiting for a call from P at the Children’s Hospital. She will confirm how much, if any, of this cost will be covered by health insurance.

This phone call will also set up the first injection appointment.

For the next three to four years, BB will receive these injections every month. $6,000/year.

With a family of five, this is no small chunk of change. I have been beside myself with worry since BB’s first appointment. It is enough to have the constant day-to-day juggling act of being “Mom”. Add to that the anguish of watching your child as they journey through transition and trying to support them, (and still be present for the rest of the family). Then, on top of this, we are now having to find a way to pay this bill every month for our youngest child. And throughout the last few months, I was under the impression these needles were only $300 (only?!?).

Then to find out the actual cost is $500 per month… I’m stunned.

P phones me while I’m at work. I sneak into an unused meeting room and take the call.

I’m informed that Hubby’s work insurance will cover almost all of the fee for this needle. When I ask how much will be covered, P informs me we will be responsible to pay only $7.00…

I ask her to repeat this amount. And then suddenly months of stress lift off my shoulders.

Now I am as light as a feather.


The following Friday will be BB’s first injection.

It is booked and when I call to let Hubby know, it is only then I realize it won’t work.

He takes it on himself to call P back and reschedule. By the time I get home from work, the appointment has been moved to Monday.

Four days sooner.

For months and months we have waited for this moment. And now it is coming at us way too fast.

Not feeling quite as light as a feather so much anymore….

4 thoughts on “The Phone Call

  1. Canadian Cathy says:

    I am thrilled that health insurance will cover most of it. Phew. I am so proud of you – you are a mama warrior. A “mama warrior” doesn’t mean you don’t cry, worry, stress or second guess yourself. It just means that you do all of those things, but in the end you do what you have to do for your children.
    “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.”
    You and BB WERE born to do THIS.


  2. Heather says:

    We are a few steps behind you and just found our state will cover our child should she choose to transition. The look on her face when she heard she may never have to have a period or grow breasts was one of pure relief. Our first apt is Friday For the referral and then looking at March for the initial visit with the pediatric endocrinologist . Thank you for sharing your family’s journey.


    • TBird says:

      Good luck at your appointment on Friday Heather – please keep me posted on how things go!
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog – I really appreciate it!


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